CESI specializes in the following:


CESI is a sub-consultant to RBF on the upper San Joaquin portion of this modeling and mapping effort.

CESI provided engineering services to evaluate from a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis standpoint. All proposed system improvements. Project provides for ultimate expansion of City including retention and attention facilities. Prepared LOMR submittals for the remapping of 6 miles of Auburn Ravine, and roughly 10 miles of Ingram Slough and Orchard Creek. The estimated costs of facilities are $ 18,000,000.

Updated modeling and planning for future peak flood impacts from added development of the watershed.

South Lincoln master drainage plan

Central valley flood evaluation and delineation program

Dry Creek Watershed Update

Project List

Civil Engineering Solutions, Inc.

Our Mission: To provide quality, cost effective Civil Engineering design and analysis services in the Northern California region, and to be a leading provider of Civil Engineering related software products.

Storm Drainage/Flood Control Design

· Storm Drains

· Flood Control/Channels

· Detention Retention Basins

· Levees

· Permitting



Drainage Policy

· Design Standards

· Watershed Management

Storm Drainage/Flood Control Master Planning

· Hydrologic/Hydraulic Analysis

Impact Fee Studies